Severe panic attacks/anxiety disorders questions...? - best med for gad
Anyone else have panic attacks that are so bad that you are literally and truly mad? I like Sometimes I'm schizophrenic, or worse, feel like a serial killer (I do not believe or think about death, but the anxiety makes me think / fear is possible, but not ... he really? Lulz) Its just, that the fear is so strong that I was so isolated, paranoid, and if not normal. I can not help but think I will start to hallucinate a day. I experienced panic attacks and anxiety disorders occasionally for about 5 years and even had a severe depression that lasted several months, but he went. I was worried about things like brain tumors, heart problems, but now all of my major concerns for my mental health andnonphysical. It is always worse'm in the night, in fact, I usually perfectly OK during the day when people "happen" and "alive". I tried group therapy a little over two years, and even a little, but I forgot some of the technical and fear is so bad that I do not work remember. I believe, go to my doctor to discuss medications. SSRIs sounds as if it would be best for my condition? Ich leide an Kopfschmerzen, chronischen Stress, Schlaflosigkeit, Benommenheit, Zittern des Körpers, und unregelmäßiger Herzschlag, manchmal vorgeschlagen so etwas wie die TAG, aber mein eigentliches Anliegen ist mit dem Grab .. . and I mean seriously the point of psychosis and panic attacks. I train every day and I amnot sure that some medication to help heavy exercise is side effects such as blood pressure, dizziness, etc, etc. .. In addition, suffer from insomnia, and I understand that certain medications can worsen sleep disorders. Sorry for the long reading, but I did get some information. Thank you.
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